Playdough - Buttercup Gold

Honeysuckle Store welcomes Wild Dough to our children gifting edit.
Buttercup Gold playdough with Honeycomb scent.
Made completely with no-nasties ingredients, we even scent with food-grade food essence (like used in cakes!) It's super soft, made specifically for little hands. You can leave it out all day and it won't dry out, but even if you leave it out all night, like the lid is left off (because we know kids do that) it's rehyratable! So you just need to add a few drops of water and knead and it will come back to original softness everyday of the week. We have customers who what been rehydrating their Wild Dough for over 2 years now!
There really is loads to love about Wild Dough. Here are the best bits:
- Smells Amazing
- Non-toxic kidsafe ingredients
- Perfectly soft for little hands
- Lasts easily for 6 months
- Rehydratable with water
- Developed by a mum for her own kids
- 100% Australian Made & Owned
- Eco friendly PET plastic jars - durable and lightweight